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Writer's pictureChloe Smith

Can anyone connect with the dead?

Would it make you feel scared seeing a dead person or knowing your loved one has past away and then all of a sudden they are following you around the house and standing at the end of your bed at night?

Then i suppose it does sound a little far-fetched and scary, but i promise it is not. Once you get over the initial psychological feeling of your brain going over drive and thinking Is it real what you sense, see or feel. Is it true or is it our mind playing trick on us. You open a new door to the spiritual world, making the question ' Can anyone connect with dead ' the answer.... YES!

The truth is its all i have known. When i connect with a loved one i get a over whelming feeling of love and peace. We lock eyes, Souls or a simple touch and i feel a rush of excitment, like holding your new born baby for the first time. It is the same feeling connecting with a loved one.

Goosebumps that make me feel calm.

A wave of emotion that lifts every bad thought out of my mind.

A sensation of coldness that makes me feel light.

How is that even possible to feel such love and peace through something the nation categorizes in to spooky?

So how do i connect? I am not sure, it just happens. I have learnt to control my connections, and turn spirit away. Making my shopping experiences a little more pleasurable, but if i am honest, it has been tough. I have a kind heart, i struggle to say no to the living let alone the dead. I sometimes feel i am living two lives, here on Earth and wherever Heaven is!

I have not been there to Heaven, all i know is your loved ones visit you here and go somewhere else as well. It is wild isnt it?

I have questions myself, things i want to explore and undecover in the Spiritual world. To turn those non-believers into believers! But its hard to do that if you dont see what i see, or have doubt in the spiritual world. I suppose thats Human nature.

You may get signs from your loved ones. They give us these messages of guidance, to let us know certain things that we should or should not be doing, or maybe a message of love to give us that hope through out our day that we are guided and protected. Which i promise you. You are. The Robins, Butterflies, Ringing in your ears, Coins, Feathers are just some signs you might notice. The same bird following you around could be your loved one being with you. It is magical.

We can also get messages in a different away. A Clair Sense way! ok, this might sound weird haha. There is Clairsenses, It basically a way you can connect with spririt through a certain strength you have, so we as humans are all unique in our own personal ways but we have skills heightened, its learning and understanding what that strength of ours is. The need to trust your instincts, that gut feeling is super important.

The clair senses describe what you may be more Intune with, which sense do you think describes you?

Clairvoyance – Clear seeing - Spirit may get your attention by you receive pictures in forms of images In your mind, it could be dreams, visions, mini moves playing in your mind or physically seeing, your good at direction. Can see Ghosts, Angels and Spirit in full if they allow you too

Clairaudience – Clear Hearing – being able to hear voices and messages from spiritual realms – for example you may hear directions like turn left even though you are the only one in the car.

Claircongizance – Clear knowing- you just know! Even if you don’t hear or see anything you have that feeling,

Clairintellect – Clear Thinking – thoughts can manifest, you may notice in conversation that your words come through.

Clairempathy- Clear Emotion – seeing people cry might make you cry.

Clairsentience – Clear physical feeling- you can feel others pain

Clairtangency – Clear touching – you can touch someone and feel their pain and feelings and thoughts.

Clairsalience – Clear smelling- sensing things thought smell, you can smell smoke, perfumes of your loved ones.

Clairgustance – Clear Tasting – sounds weird but you can taste foods without eating them

You may have one, a few or none of these clairs and that’s ok, You may be stronger in another form.

I actually have all these clairs, I am very nasal, I can’t smell normal things and always sound like I have a cold. That is because I lost a sense to gain another, you might notice this in yourself,

For example: I cannot smell things as strong in this World, but I can smell what spirit are trying to show me ie: smoker, perfume, even what a old musky house smells like.

The one thing I can’t do is actually read Tarot myself, I can see my own past loved ones as well as yours but I cannot pull cards for my self or know about my future.

If you feel hard to concentrate or over thinking your Clair sense, Try and quiet your mind, like meditation or sitting on your bed with no distractions and get a piece of paper and pen, what Initials, Symbols, come to you directly in your mind, dont over think it! Write it straight down, it may make sense later and not straight away! Do you see a memory, or a person in your mind? What comes straight to you as you read this?

The After Life is real.

It is Magical. Calm, a place where all pain and suffering dissapear. There is no worries of money, anger, or even conflict.

Grudges are all let go from Earth, no bad feelings or regrets. You are free and a place only of love. A place where Life is Forever!

Chloe xox

If you feel a little heavy headed after trying Meditaion, Clair senses, or any development work - Sage around yourself, others or in your home as it will help lift any unwanted energy.

Pendulums are also a safe tool to use to communicate with your loved ones.

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Amazon - Life of a psychic medium - Small guide on connecting with Spirit.

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