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Crystal please heal me.

Seriously, how can a Crystal heal you? I asked my self this exact question more than once and truthfully i did not even believe that it was possible, sounds too good to be true right? A tiny stone making you feel better.. hmm, really?

But when i was connecting more with the 'dead' my headaches got so bad, little did i know a single stone would help me.

I was drawn to the Amethyst Crystal after visiting my first Crystal shop, i walked straight over to it almost like i new this is the one i needed.

I purchased the smooth purple stone and decided to keep one in my pocket and i noticed a huge change, my headache was gone, Anixety was improved. so yes, a crystal really can heal you. This is when my love for crystals grew, but there is many fake crystals out there as well. so be careful, Real Crystals wont be cheap but a trick on detecting a real or fake Crystal is to Put the stone against a light and look through it to see whether it appears dull or flat. A real crystal reacts with light.

Crystals are minerals that hold energy.

The idea is that Crystals interact with the bodies energy field, creating balance and alignment, Many people use crystals for stress and focus, while others believe that crystals have the power to heal physical ailments and illnesses, which trust me they do!

The benefits of crystals made me more determined on helping others, i created the Amethyst necklace on my website which i new would prevent others from headaches and stress, and like me this was something i really needed.

My brother Connor is not the type of person to wear crystals let alone believe in them but after struggling with his mental health i wanted to introduce him to my product ' Chakra ' this bracelet aligns your own personal Chakras and creates an overwhelming sense of peace, saying goodbye to all negativity around you. helping with sleep and reducing stress.

Connors own words ' I cannot be without the Chakra, if i was to take it off i can tell the difference in my own mood and mental health, it is appealing for Men and Women, something i will always have!

Aura Selenite - Natural Selenite which helps peace in your life, mental clarity and well-being. Helping with any spiritual development, Grounding!

Empath - Helps to recharge you personally, but also if you find your a Empath - drained and overwhelmed in public places. It will help with Balance and keep your abilities on level.

Amethyst is believed to have healing powers and is used to relieve stress and sadness, remove negativity, and ease grief and psychical symptom like headaches. The stone's use can often be a symbol and source of support, as well as helping focus your mind and reduce the effect of headaches, making meditation easier and more beneficial in the process!!

Rose Quartz: For Love, Relationship, Friendships, Fertilitys and Recovery.

Seeking feelings of unconditional love, both for others and themselves, rose quartz is a well-known and popular crystal. It is seen to replace negativity with loving energies, opening individuals up to self-forgiveness and trust, while additionally being used with the view to help promote fertility.

Clear Quartz: Healing, due to the belief that it is 'the energetic bridge between our conscious and unconscious minds'. It is said to hold and regulate negative energies to allow for a balanced and revitalised self, boosting one's internal strength.

Coming soon to Chloe Mediumship

Prosperity - Attracts good fortune and health, Ideal for those facing financial challenges or seeking to better manage their budget, this bracelet promotes financial balance and healing, guiding you towards greater abundance and stability in your financial journey.

Creativity - The Green Turquoise Creativity Bracelet offers powerful protection while promoting positive energy. This bracelet enhances communication skills, boosts creativity, and brings balance and spiritual grounding, making it an ideal companion for those seeking inspiration and harmony in their daily lives.

Healing - The Yellow Malachite Healing Bracelet is designed to help reveal and heal emotional pain by absorbing it into itself. This powerful stone shields you from harm and negative influences, creating a safe and positive space around you, fostering emotional well-being and inner peace. Helps with ferility

Tranform - Embrace the transformative power of the Malachite Transformation Bracelet, designed for deep energy clearing.

This potent gemstone absorbs negative energies from both your body and the atmosphere around you, leaving you feeling lighter, happier, and more open to positive change and spiritual growth.

Good Fortune - This bracelet is believed to bring good luck and fortune to its wearer. Best worn at night, the Cream Turquoise bracelet promotes restful sleep and invites positive energies into your life, helping you wake up refreshed and ready to embrace the day.

What is your experiences on Crystals? or what would you like more informaiton on, What Crystal do you need? Comment below

Love Always



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